Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What Are Special Needs?

What exactly are special needs?

Encarta defines special needs as requirements made necessary by challenges: the requirements, especially in education, that some people have because of physical and mental challenges.

There are multiple websits that can facilitate people in today's world wide web to help people in discovering if they fall under special needs. These sites help  answer questions of who and what falls under special needs.
Special needs includes people who have allergies, diseases, mental disabilities and physical disabilities. If you have an issue that is severe there is a big possibility that you could be classified as a person with special needs. For example a person with a severe allergy, might not sound like a qualification to be classified under special needs. But if the exposure to the allergy could hospitalize an  individual or cause death then that would qualify them as a person with special needs.
 Today being a person with special needs is not something to fear. Their are many laws in place to help people with special needs, wether they needs in their lives at home or  outside in the everyday world. . 

People with special needs are heavily protectd by the law. In the education system special needs is protected by Special Education under the guidelines of IDEA 2004 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

For more information on special needs you can visit

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