Wednesday, December 7, 2011

CSULB Professor Working with National Organizations for HIV/STD provention

 Britt Rios- Ellis  is a  true super woman. She juggles a family, career, and now a prestigious  position on the work group for President Obama’s advisory council on HIV and AIDS.

 The Cal State Long Beach health science professor has been elected to the President’s Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA) CHAC Disclosure Work Group.  Rios- Ellis is also currently a member of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Health Resources and Services Administration Advisory Committee on HIV and STD Prevention and Treatment.  

Rios- Ellis will be taking on a prestigious 4-year-long term with CHAC.  In her new role she will advise the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius on policies for HIV and STD prevention and treatment.    
“Serving the government in any of these unique capacities is a real honor. To be able to provide advice and to resonate what my experiencing as a researcher in a health advocacy role, to the federal government,” stated Rios-Ellis.   
One of Rios- Ellis’ upcoming projects entails a HIV treatment and prevention movement called Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP).
“There are going to be a lot of research and readiness programs to make sure …we are ready to take these protocols on and utilize these prevention mechanisms,” says Rios-Ellis. “Pharmaceutically they are ready but are the communities ready to take them? That is the big question right now.”
While her newly appointed positions require her to meet a couple times a year, at CSULB as Director and founder of NCLR/The Center for Latino Community Health the center requires her constant attendance.  
A strong sense of unity and passion is evident the minute you enter the center. At The Center for Latino Community Health the walls  are painted in orange, purple, green, and white  and everyone praises a “power with, not power over” modo that Britt Rios- Ellis encourages her staff to embrace in order to eliminate hierarchy in the workplace.
 Graduate student, Leighanna Hidalgo, highlights her admires Rios-Ellis for her many accommplishments.
“She is a person with so much passion and drive and she makes it happen. I admire how she balances her career and family. She gives me the example of how you can have both.”  
A passion for her work  fuels Rios- Ellis, “Knowing that we have made a difference in the community every day, I think is what keeps me moving so quickly.”

For the rest of the story visit

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