Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Center for Latino Community HealthEvaluation and Leadership Training a distinguished organization at CSULB.

Recently the NCLR/ Center for Latino Community Health Evaluation and Leadership Training has been getting praises in the media  for the work that their Director Britt Rios-Ellis is doing, at a national level, with HIVand STD prevention and treatment.
The center its self is paving roads like it's founder.  Only about 6-years-ago  the center only had 3 employees, today they will be employing about sixty. 

At the NCLR/CSULB Center for Latino Community Health, Evaluation and Leadership Training they develop health programs the  Latino communities, provides technical assistance to organizations already serving in this capacity, and hold research and education needed to facilitate the development of effective health programs and policies in the Latino community.

The need for the Center developed from a long standing relationship between faculty at California State University, Long Beach and leadership of the Institute for Hispanic Health at National Council of La Raza (NCLR)
The center works  hired graduate and undergraduates to research data on nationalissues dealing with  the Latino community,  they host interest group in California, and develop programs for the Latino community.
One of their projects is to facilitate the Latino community in becoming more aware of HIV/ STD prevention. 

 For more information visit

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