Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Leader at CSULB Disabeled Student Services

California State Long Beach has many exceptional department in it's premisses. Disabled Student Services stands out as one of these magnificant student services that succeeds at meeting CSULB's  high standard everyday. At DSS they assist students with disabilities as they secure their university degree at Caalifornia State University, Long Beach. 

 David Sanfilippo a Director at Disabled Student Services at CSULB tells about how his path in assisting people with disabilities began. 

"I had an opportunity to work with a high school program and they offered a special experience for high school students. I got a chance to work with people with disabilities." 
From that a job at a summer camp with kids and adults with disabilities continued for a few summers and a job at community college working with people with disability
Sanfilippo is a Director who finds passion in working at DSS here at CSULB.

 The highlights of Sanfilippo’s day are,” making sure students grow and develop…I’m inspired everyday by my students."

 Students come to see Sanfilippo for various reasons: to check up with him, they might be struggling, or they are struggling in class or their disability is getting in their way.

 Sanfilippo admires his students, he says "Our students work hard” 

At the center Sanfilippo worked with student that we deal with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, people who have physiological disabilities, “we deal with a full range,” says Sanfillipo.
National regulations and the President of the university are big resources that keep the center going, according to Sanfilippo.

 “The American Disabilities Act signed in 1990 prior to that Rehabilitation act of 1973 required any institution receiving federal financial assisting, to not exclude people with disabilities and make it a required to provide accommodations.” Said Sanfilippo.  

 The President's excellent fund designed at CSULB has also helped the center financially. The program is funded for student success and a $94 fee that each student pays at CSULB funds take.
Every year Sanfilippo works on an awareness program.

Send Silence Packing David Sanfilippo a Director at Disabled Student Services at CSULB tells about how his path in assisting people with disabilities began. 

"I had an opportunity to work with a high school program and they offered a special experience for high school students. I got a chance to work with people with disabilities." 
From that a job at a summer camp with kids and adults with disabilities continued for a few summers and a job at community college working with people with disability
Sanfilippo is a Director who finds passion in working at DSS here at CSULB.

 The highlights of Sanfilippo’s day are,” making sure students grow and develop…I’m inspired everyday by my students."

 Students come to see Sanfilippo for various reasons: to check up with him, they might be struggling, or they are struggling in class or their disability is getting in their way.

 Sanfilippo admires his students, he says "Our students work hard” 

At the center Sanfilippo worked with student that we deal with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, people who have physiological disabilities, “we deal with a full range,” says Sanfillipo.
National regulations and the President of the university are big resources that keep the center going, according to Sanfilippo.

 “The American Disabilities Act signed in 1990 prior to that Rehabilitation act of 1973 required any institution receiving federal financial assisting, to not exclude people with disabilities and make it a required to provide accommodations.” Said Sanfilippo.  

 The President's excellent fund designed at CSULB has also helped the center financially. The program is funded for student success and a $94 fee that each student pays at CSULB funds take.
Every year Sanfilippo works on an awareness program.
Send Silence Packing was one of the centers most recent events. Eleven hundred backpacks where placed on upper campus, to raise awareness of the number of students who have died from suicide.
Sanfilippo recommend that people go to the DSS website or facebook page in order to keep up to date with DSS events.
“There are two things I say I always love about my job. One is passion.  And two I see people grow, developing, maturing,” says Sanfilippo.


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